Workhouse Staff

Discover the stories of the employees of the Guildford Union Workhouse at the time of the 1881 census

As a large institution responsible for looking after some 230 pauper inmates, 15-20 vagrants or casuals per night, and running an infirmary, the Guildford Union needed to employ a considerable number of staff, both live-in and live-out, to administer and run the Workhouse and Poor Relief.  They came from all walks of life, and all had a story to tell.  Below are biographies for staff at the time of the 1881 census :

Resident Staff 
    Master & Matron of the Workhouse :  Richard and Elizabeth Davies
    Assistant Matron :  Harriet Ann McCarter
    Schoolmistress :  Mary Ann Ames
    Porter :  John Benjamin Hatt “Secrets & Lies”
    “Nurse Wanted” : Ann Matthews
    Superintendent of Labour & Superintendent of Female Vagrants :  Arthur and Alice Evans

Non-Resident Staff
    Medical Officer : Charles John Sells
    Relieving Officer for Guildford :  Henry Portsmouth
    Relieving Officer for Godalming :  William Norris
    Relieving Officer for Woking :  Charles Frye
    Relieving Officer for Shere, Albury, E&W Horsley, E&W Clandon, Merrow :  Henry Mursell

More information on Workhouse Administration and Staff can be found on Peter Higginbottom’s excellent site.